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Caylee's Confessions (Caylee's Confessions Series) Page 10

  “So you claim this as a drunken mistake then?” he yelled.

  “I can only call it what it is,” I said, which was all that flashed in my mind.

  “Fine,” he snickered, put on his shoes, and headed out the door—but not before I heard his final comment. “Don’t listen to me then. Just go get yourself killed, prove me right, for I won’t be at your rescue next time!” And he slammed the door shut. I threw it back open and screamed down the hall at him.

  “I don’t need to be rescued by an ignorant pig!”

  That was the last time I saw him. Hell, he’s probably been looking for me. But I wish to not let him find me, for I don’t feel like fighting that battle anytime soon.

  Chapter 14

  Final Steps

  I awoke, still on my couch, to my phone going off, letting me know I was getting a text message.

  Coffee? it read, from Braxton’s number. I hadn’t spoken to him since our date, and what a wonderful time to call after the night I had last night. After him not calling me for a week, I just assumed he wasn’t going to again.

  Sure, I texted back, and there was immediately a ring on my apartment buzzer. Holy shit. I quickly ran to the bathroom, brushed my hair, and put makeup under my eyes. I answered the door and a smiling, sexy Braxton was holding two cups of coffee.

  “Come in,” I said, as he awkwardly stood in the doorway. “That was quick.”

  “I had a feeling you were going to say ‘yes.’” He smiled.

  I took a seat on the couch and he set the coffees on the coffee table in front of us, but as soon as he sat down, he immediately shot back up, like he’d sat in something.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I watched him just stare coldly at the wall.

  “Nothing,” he said under his breath. I patted the couch cushion to see what he’d sat in. Duke hadn’t had an accident in a really long time, and I had just been sleeping there, so I have no idea what could have been there. It took only a moment longer to see my bra was there, half in the crack of the couch. Whoops! I usually didn’t keep my laundry lying around the house, but clothing had come off fast last night and it had just slipped my mind. Shit, but why was he freaking out? There was no way he could know what happened here last night.

  “Sorry about that,” I said jokingly. “I must have left it out here while I was doing laundry,” I lied. Braxton stood silent and still. He was just staring at nothing. His eyes were blank and his fists were balled up, like he was trying to hold his composure. “Are you okay?” I asked, wanting to end the tension.

  “I’m fine,” he said under his breath. “I’ve had a rough week. Has yours been interesting?” he said as his eyes flashed to the couch again.

  “You could say that…” I paused, trying to read his expression. “Listen, I’m not sure what is wrong with you, but I’ve just woken up and don’t yet have the patience to deal with whatever is going on with you. I can’t believe that, just because I left some laundry on the couch, you’re freaking out.”

  “Do you like to put on men’s cologne also, while you do your laundry on the couch?” he snapped, and I knew I was caught.

  “What would it matter if I did?” I snapped back at him. He had no right to be pissed, because until this morning, I thought I was never going to speak with him again.

  “Why are you even here?” I asked.

  “Well, I came over to invite you on a date tonight, but when I date, I like to do it exclusively, and it seems your lifestyle indicates you date differently,” he snapped.

  “Excuse me?” I barely got out. He’d thrown me off by the ‘date’ part.

  “I can smell him all over the apartment! I assumed that you weren’t a slut!” That was when I snapped. The next thing I knew, I was in his face, with my finger inches from his lips.

  “That is none of your business. And who are you, coming into my fucking apartment and accusing me of doing things that I can do if I want to, anyway? You left me with no explanation the other night. We’ve only hung out three times, and after the last one ended so abruptly, and you didn’t call the whole week, I assumed you were blowing me off, so why wouldn’t I go out and have fun—if that’s what I even did?” I screamed.

  “I did not blow you off. I had an emergency! I thought you would understand, because I thought we were dating,” he screamed back.

  “You don’t just assume you’re dating someone! You ask first!” I yelled.

  “So, because I didn’t say ‘bye,’ you felt the need to sleep around?” he asked.

  “Again, that is none of your business,” I said, not confirming or denying his statement.

  “I just thought, since things were going so well, that we were dating…” he said, his tone finally calming down.

  “Well, I wanted to,” I said honestly, even though that usually happened after multiple dates, not just one.

  “Wanted to?” he asked, making my eyes stare directly into his. “Do you still want to? This is me asking you directly, so we’ll have no more assumptions,” he said, as his hands grabbed my butt aggressively, and pulled me to his body. We were both breathing heavily, and instead of answering him, I threw my lips onto his. Before I knew it, my clothes were being ripped off—once again. I think I have an addiction of fighting and fucking, but that’s something to debate later. We made our way to the shower. Before he was about to enter me, he paused.

  “So this is a ‘yes,’ right?” he asked. I looked at his flawless, beautifully-toned, muscular body and thick, erected equipment below. To answer, I grabbed ahold of his thick, long shaft and pulled him closer to me. Once I felt it against my waistline, I got on my tip toes and gave the side of his ear a sweet lick before whispering ‘yes.’ Our lips then quickly found each other, and as the water poured over us, our hands started to explore. The hot water was nothing compared to the feeling he was sending through my entire body with each touch.

  Without notice, his lips left mine and he got onto his knees. Put your foot here,” he commanded as he pointed to the shelf that usually held soap. I hated being told what to do by anyone, but because of the husky tone he’d used, I couldn’t help but follow his orders. As I split my legs and put my foot on the shelf, he started giving me small pecks on each thigh, back and forth, closer and closer to my center. The anticipation was building, and I knew I couldn’t take much more—already on edge and ready to explode. His tongue finally found my center, and he let out a deep purr that gave his tongue the element of vibrating while it stroked my sweet spot. My fingertips ran threw his hair and gently squeezed, urging him to not stop. As the first climax rocked through my core, I tried to pull away, but he latched his strong hands onto my hips and pulled me back in. He wasn’t letting me get out of that one so easily. My hips swayed and my pelvis tipped up towards his face as I rode the sweet orgasm wave, but he never let it knock him off as his tongue continued to explore. His hand left my hips, and I soon found out why as he put two fingers deep inside me as his tongue continued on. This set me over the edge as a noise I’d never heard before left my mouth as the second orgasm came. Why had I always stopped so soon before during sex, if I’d known this was what came after the first wave?

  I let out a deep sigh as he got off his knees and his lips crashed back onto mine, with such force that I felt my teeth hit my lips, causing a small cut to form. I could taste the rustic taste of blood as a small amount entered my mouth, and I tried to stop the kiss. Surely he didn’t want my blood in his mouth, but when I tried to pull away, he came in deeper. He stopped abruptly, and I assumed it was because he now was tasting the bitter taste of my blood as well, but when I looked up at him, he looked at me like I hadn’t seen a thing yet. The look sent a tremor down my spine, and had me, again, on the edge of orgasm. If you’d told me before that a look could do that, I’d say ‘bullshit,’ but there I was, about to have one.

  “Turn around now, Caylee,” he said in deep, almost threating tone, and I once again obeyed. “Bend over and grab ahold of those knobs in front
of you.” I placed one hand on ‘hot’ and the other on ‘cold.’ As soon as I had a firm grip, he thrusted inside of me, and I screamed out, hoping that my neighbor below me wasn’t home, or I’d for sure be getting a noise complaint. He continued to thrust in and out, at a pace I’d never experienced with someone before. It would go from fast to slow, each at the perfect moment. As he thrusted, his hand rubbed up and down my back and on the sides of my stomach. “Not yet…” he ordered as I was about to come again. I then felt him bend his knees and thrust up, hitting a spot that, before this, had been unclaimed. “Holy fuck!” I screamed, not having any idea of what was happening as these new sensations rolled over my entire body. He then let out a deep moan that let me know we were riding this wave together. He pumped into me and I slammed myself into him so that we were completely molded as one and he could feel my insides clench around him.

  I let out a short gasp when he separated us, and felt like I was about to fall over. I put my hand against the shower wall, hoping it would help keep me up. He opened the door and got out, looking frantically for towels. He found two, put one around his waist, and brought mine over to me as I still had my hand—and now head—against the wall, probably looking like an idiot. He left, to what I thought was to get his clothes. I finally had enough strength to step out and take a glance in the mirror. My hair looked wild, so I took a minute to brush it, wrapped my towel around my torso, and then went to my bedroom to put on some clothes. To my surprise, he was there, still naked, and definitely ready for more, indicated by his humungous erection. Could I handle another round? Only time would tell. I instantly dropped my towel and ran over to him.


  “I really have to go,” Braxton said, taking a deep breath. “I’d only expected a coffee date, and I still have some business to attend to.”

  “Are you sure? You can’t just call it off? It’s Saturday and most people don’t work on Saturdays,” I pleaded.

  “Trust me. If I could, I would lie here with you all day.” He grinned from ear to ear. “Can I take a rain check for, say, tonight—dinner at my place?” he asked.

  “I’ll have to check my schedule, but…” I was interrupted as he rolled back on top of me, giving me a kiss that made my body ache. “Okay,” I said quickly as his lips left mine. He put on his clothes, went to my kitchen, and began scribbling something on a sticky note. He walked it back over to me and gently placed it in-between my bare breasts.

  “This is my address. Does eight sound doable?” he said seductively.

  “Definitely,” I replied.


  I handed the cabbie Braxton’s address as I climbed in around 7:30. I wasn’t surprised at where the cabbie finally stopped. He was the president of a multimillion-dollar company, so of course he would live in the most expensive apartment downtown. I tipped the driver a little more than usual, because he probably thought I was rich, because of where he had taken me to. As I was about to enter the building, when I felt a slight vibration in my pocket. It was Claire.

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “I really need you to come by tonight,” she said in a tone that made my stomach flinch. “There’s been a lot of undead issues going on that we must speak about.”

  “I’m about to go on a date,” I said, because I really was not in the mood to hunt tonight.

  “Really?” she said, sounding shocked. “Well then, okay…hm…how about you go on your date, but cut it short and come by after?” she demanded. “If it wasn’t a big deal, I would say to make sure you stayed the night at your…uh…date’s house, because you surely need to get laid. But…this cannot wait. Promise you’ll come by after?”

  “Fine,” I said as I silently chuckled. If she only knew how much I had been laid in the past twenty-four hours. “I’ll be by after, I promise, but I’ve got to go.”

  “Goodbye,” she said and I hung up, slightly aggravated. I tried not to let the thought of having to end the date early spoil my mood as I entered the lobby. I entered the elevator and hit ‘floor 16,’ which was, of course, the top floor, making his apartment the penthouse. I was so out of my league. I got to the top and he was there, and politely greeted me with a kiss. His apartment rivaled Claire’s, but was it about twice the size. I really wanted to ask if he did it himself or if he paid a professional. Unlike Claire’s, it didn’t have a ton of color, but it had various tones of blacks and greys, and all the counters were an expensive marble. He had a small amount of décor on the walls, mostly paintings and random shelving, but everything looked elegant. The perfect bachelor pad. No family photos anywhere—that was good, since we hadn’t discussed if he had kids or anything. He led me to his dining room, where a delicious steak and red-skinned potato meal was awaiting me on his table. Even the dining room table was made from a marble, that I couldn’t even start formulating the cost in my head.

  “Good thing I was on time,” I joked as sat down and took my first bite. It was still hot.

  “I have good timing.” He smiled. “And a microwave if you wouldn’t have been.” We finished the meal and I helped him clear the plates to his kitchen. It was like the rest of his penthouse—looked like it had cost a million dollars. The floor was a black tile, and all the appliances matched.

  “That was really good. Thank you,” I said as I placed my dish in the stainless steel sink.

  “Anytime, Caylee,” he said with an honest smile. Why did I have to leave soon? I looked down at my watch. It was already ten.

  “In a rush?” he asked.

  “No.” Lies. “Just that a friend called before I got here and, basically, I have to leave in a little bit to go hang out with her, because her, uh, boyfriend just left her and she is a wreck.” More lies. Hopefully I was pulling it off.

  “Well, that doesn’t sound like fun,” Braxton said, which was what I was thinking in my head. Of course, it wouldn’t be fun. Not as much fun as I could be having here.

  “No. And if it was anyone else, I wouldn’t go so quickly, but she has done a lot for me when I needed it, so I kind of owe her,” I said, finally being able to tell a little bit of the truth.

  “That really puts a damper on what I had planned tonight, but it’s no biggie. It also gives me an excuse to skip to the good part of this date.” He smiled, and seconds later scooped me up, carried me into his room, and playfully threw me onto his California king bed. We were naked immediately and, as the kissing intensified, I grabbed his hips to pull him into me, but he gently stopped me.

  “No, tonight I want it to be about you,” he said, while he kissed me softly on the mouth and continued down my body, until his kiss was at my center. I felt a slight nibble as he worked his tongue around my spot. This, at first, made me slightly gasp. I’d had rough sex before, but this was different. It weirdly made my excitement accelerate, and before I knew it, he had my body roaring in orgasm. Not stopping the magic he was working with his tongue as my body jerked up. Whatever he was doing was making my mind and my body melt into butter, by the time he was through. Between this and the other night, would I ever be able to let go of this man. In two days he’d helped me experience sensations I’d never thought possible. Plus, the feel of these black silk sheets was something I could get used to.

  “That was intoxicating,” I said as we were finding it difficult to get up and put our clothes back on. My whole body was still tingling, and my mind was fuzzy.

  “Are you sure you have to leave?” he asked with puppy dog eyes.

  “Yes,” I said painfully as we walked to the front door. What he had done to me made me never want to leave him again. It made me want to just lie naked with him for days, but I had promised Claire I would see her tonight. “I promised my friend. I’m sorry. I’ll call you tomorrow. I promise,” I told him as I opened the door to leave, even though my body was screaming to stay close to his. “I’ve got to get going. I’m already late. Bye,” I said quickly as I shut the door, before he could kiss me goodbye. I knew if that happened, I would have stayed
and really pissed off Claire.

  Chapter 15

  Dazed and Confused

  As I left Braxton’s apartment, I couldn’t help but be confused and slightly disoriented. Don’t get me wrong…the sex was awesome, once again. It was different this time though, and I still couldn’t get over the fact that we had jumped from being business associates to having sex—as quickly as we had. The last two weeks were definitely out of character for me. I definitely did not see any of it—especially the Shad instance—coming. If I kept this up, I was going to have to move to my other hand in my sexual partner count. I was officially dating Braxton now though, so hopefully that wouldn’t happen. Shad was way out of the picture now, so things should calm down, I hoped.

  I was trying to focus but found it difficult, because my head was cloudy, and I couldn’t wrap my mind around why it was. My head—actually, my whole body in general—felt weak and numb—almost like I was high, but I hadn’t smoked anything. Could you get high off sex? I wondered. Whatever happened, I couldn’t understand it, which was probably why I didn’t hear the mass amount of undeads that were probably just steps behind me. I just remember trying to figure out why I was dizzy, and that I was running late for Claire’s, when something really hard fell on top of my head.

  I awoke in a cold cellar, with three empyreal vamps on my right, a werewolf holding my stake, and two shape shifters on my left. Awesome—six to one. Well, really like twelve to one, since three were empyreal. I tried moving my arms to ready myself, but then discovered I couldn’t, because they were bound tightly to the arms of the steel chair I was sitting in. Matching them, were my feet, which were bound near the bottom of the chair’s legs. Wonderful.

  “The bitch is awake…” came a familiar voice from behind me. I looked down at my bracelet—another shape shifter. The voice then circled me and finally showed its face, which I had definitely seen before. In fact, she was the one who I was supposed to have saved from this undead world of gangsters—fucking Lyal’s cousin, the panther—a trader bitch. I felt my stomach begin to boil. I had saved her life. What the hell was she doing here? “Recognize me, do you?” She smirked.